Introduction: Inspired through a vision from the Holy Spirit on a quiet night sometime in September 2007, Otunba Prof. Sola Fosudo the founder was directed to read Chapter 1 of the book of Isaiah and while reading, the answer to the question he had placed before the lord came clear in verses 17 and 23.
Isaiah 1:17 "Learn to do good, seek justice and keep in line with abusers, Give the fatherless their rights and defend the widows" is 1:23. "Your rulers are tyrants, partners of thieves, they love a bribe and look around for gifts. No one protects the orphan or listen to the claim of the widow".
After reading the passage, he himself asked rather curiously "where am I to see the widows?" Though he got no answer or clue immediately, he was however convinced of the correctness of the message, because even before this time, there had been several other signs pointing to the same direction, but he was not yet fully prepared spiritually to understand and to respond. About a month later, he got the answer to his curious question and he located the widows during that year's harvest celebration in the Church where he worships - Saints Michael, Raphael and Gabriel Catholic Church, Satellite Town in Lagos, when a widow announced on the Harvest Bazaar ground that she was making a donation on behalf of the Widows association in the Church. Having met with the widows and discussed with them, Dr. Fosudo then resolved to use the occasion of his 50th birthday the following year, to officially launch the Foundation, an event which took place on April 29th 20088 at the Conference Banquet Hall, National Theatre Lagos, under the Chairmanship of Senator Olorunimbe Mamora.
The name "Blessed Fruit" was also inspired through divine instruction that the name of the Foundation exists within the concluding prayer of the Rosary of our Blessed Mother Mary - Hail Holy Queen
...turn then most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy towards us.
And after this our exile, show unto us, the Blessed Fruit of your womb, Jesus...
The foundation is a Non-Governmental and Humanitarian Services Organization duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and with the ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Lagos State, with the following Vision and Mission.
To care for, protect and improve quality of lives of widows, their children, orphans and the vulnerable children in Nigeria.
*To ensure the education of widows, children, orphans and vulnerable children through guidance, counseling and the award of scholarship and educational materials.
*To ensure proper psychological and spiritual orientation and emotional stability for widows and their children, orphans and the abandoned children, through counseling and workshop programmes.
*To empower the above-mentioned target group for the acquisition of skills through vocational training programme and initiate micro finance schemes for business development.
*To rehabilitate and settle those with serious accommodation and health problems through the provision of financial grants.
*To provide emergency and seasonal welfare package for widows, their children, orphans and others needing help.
The Foundation comprises of Twelve (12) persons in its Board and other ten (10) in its Management team. All members of the Board and Management team are volunteers, and they do not receive any financial allowance for participating. The Foundation has only Three (3) paid staff who run its day to day activities. The Founder however oversees and directs the affairs of the staff in the daily administration of the office. So far, the Foundation has registered over 300 widows and over 500 hundred widows' children and orphans
The Management Team members meet monthly at the Foundation's office at (2 Ishola Street Oluti, Old Ojo Road, Lagos - Badagry Expy, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria) to deliberate on the various programmes and activities of the Foundation.
Since inception, the Blessed Fruit Foundation has carried out and is still carrying out several intervention programmes to her targeted beneficiaries and these programmes are categorized into departments, namely:
*Business and Vocational Development
*Education and Counseling
*Rehabilitation and Health Care
*Material Needs and Welfare
*Documentation and Media
*Programmes and Events
Some of our programmes include
*Annual Patrons' Day/General Meeting
*Business Empowerment Programme
*Back to School Programme
*Prayer and Thanksgiving Programme
*Educational Relief Programme and Scholarship Scheme
*Medical Relief Programme
*Housing and Rehabilitation Programme
*Distribution of End of Year Welfare package etc
*House to House Visitations
The Foundation's Programmes are executed basically with the donations from our kind hearted patrons and Patronesses, Board of Trustees, Management Members, friends and well wishers.
However, because of the growing needs of the Foundation and its beneficiaries, it is becoming more and more challenging to mitigate the financial obligations of the Foundations. Hence, the Foundation needs every connection and contact, especially for external funding sources and opportunities. The Foundation also looks forward to the support of the benefactors, not only through their individual contributions but by introducing the Foundation to their friends and clients who might also be in positions to assist the Foundation financially or otherwise.
Prayer: As you sow a seed of faith towards this Foundation today, may the Blessed Fruit from the womb of our Mother Mary, who is the same Christ, our Lord Jesus, visit you mightily this year, and may the innermost desire of your heart be granted. May something New and Joyous happen in your life and to your family this year in Jesus name. Amen.

Millions of widows, children, orphans are somewhere waiting for your help. Donate today and keep their hopes alive.

Choose a widow or orphan to sponsor today and make a difference in someone's live.
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